AnyKind strives to offer clients high-quality services. We think it is important that you are satisfied with our services and with us as an organization.
Still, things can go wrong or turn out differently than you expected. This can lead to a complaint. Complaints may concern (among other things) a treatment, the administrative organisation, communication, costs, etc. It is important to let us know what you are not satisfied with. This way we can look for a solution together and prevent recurrence of complaints. Moreover, it also allows us to improve the quality of the organization and our services on points where this proves to be necessary. In all cases your complaint will be treated confidentially.
For less serious complaints, you are requested to consider fmaking this known to the specialist first, by telephone or e-mail, to see if a solution can be found that way. In case of serious complaints, if you do not wish to discuss the complaint verbally or if the consultation does not yield the desired result, you can submit a formal complaint. We do not handle anonymous complaints, because the situation that gave rise to the complaint cannot then be sufficiently investigated.
A complaint
If you have a complaint, it is best to contact the person(s) directly involved. This can be done by telephone or by e-mail. In practice it appears that problems can often be solved quickly and satisfactorily in this way. Your complaint will be processed within 10 working days.
A complaint must be reported in writing and as soon as possible, no later than 8 days after the act or omission that gave rise to the complaint or within 8 days after it could reasonably be established that the act or omission gives rise to a complaint.
The best way to reach us is by e-mail. Here you will find the direct e-mail address of AnyKind’s specialists.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the handling of the complaint, you can call in the complaints officer.
The complaints officer
Because it concerns your experiences, it is generally important that the complaint is conveyed to the person(s) involved in your own words.
You can engage the complaints officer in writing. The complaints officer will handle your complaint. You may be contacted to provide additional information. It is also possible that the specialist concerned will contact you directly and discuss the complaint with you. You can also ask the complaints officer for a written response from the person(s) involved.
The complaints officer strives to respond substantively within 3 weeks after receipt of a complaint. If this is not possible, you will be informed of the reason for the postponement and an estimate will be given within which period you can expect a response from her. You will receive the substantive response from the complaints officer, after any telephone contact, (also) in writing.
We ask that you state the name of the child, your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address in your communication to the complaints officer, so that we can reach you. We ask that you clearly state in your e-mail what the key points of your complaint are and, if applicable, what solution you envisage.
You can reach the complaints officer via:
We hope that your complaint has been resolved after discussion and coordination with the person(s) involved or after mediation by the complaints officer.
Complaints and the method of handling are registered and kept for two years.
Supervisory Board
If your complaint has not been resolved after following the procedure described above, you can submit a complaint to the Supervisory Board of the relevant professional associations of the specialist.