

BLH in Sri Lanka (English version)

The Dutch organization Buro Leerlingenhulp (BLH) is a collective of child psychologists who help children with special needs. Driven by an interest in Eastern cultures and a dream to expand their skills and knowledge they started a collaboration with the SOS Childrens Village in Galle, where they are creating programs with the groupworkers to help the children. An interview with Lizette; owner of BLH.

Asia and Sri Lanka
‘I travelled a lot in Asia and fell in love with Sri Lanka. The country, the mindset and the people stole my heart’. Lizette and her family searched for a place where they could spend their holiday and at the same time work the local community. They found a beautiful place in Southern Sri Lanka where they got involved in the renovation of a house. As an architect her husband started a project ( and Lizette offered her help wherever she could, but she didn’t feel like it was enough. As a child psychologist she has an interest for children with special needs. ‘That was where I wanted to help’.

A dream
Back in the Netherlands Lizette started sharing her stories, dreams and ambitions with colleagues. ‘The East and the West, we can learn so much from each other! It would be great if we could combine ourskills and knowledge to help each other and grow and learn together.

For the 15th anniversary of BLH Lizette decided that she wanted to do something unique. She and her colleagues wanted to broaden their horizons and see how they could work together with other countries in creating opportunities for children with special needs.

SOS Children’s Village
Lizette her ideas led to actions and she decided to contact the SOS Children’s Village in Galle. Orphans and children who, for various reasons, cannot live with their parents, are offered shelter in these family homes. They are raised by specialized groupworkers and the group is seen as a family. ‘I asked if they would be interested in collaborating with the child psychologists of BLH. Last summer I went to visit the Childrens Village in Galle and it was a beautiful experience. We believe that both the Dutch and the Sri Lankan team can contribute in helping the children building up their self-esteem, dealing with stigma around mental health, offering psychological support for traumatized children, developing ways to treat learning- and behaviouralproblems and educate young adults to find their place in society, by cooperating and sharing their knowledge.

Specialists from BLH are now travelling to Sri Lanka. They work together with the groupworkers in the best interest of the children. We are proud that the SOS Children’s Village in Galle gave the BLH-team the opportunity to exchange skills and knowledge with the groupworkers, so we can both benefit from learning about the cultural differences and similarities’. BLH believes that every child, with or without special needs, should be able to grow up in a safe environment and should have the opportunity to discover their potential and develop their talents. It all starts with the children!

Are you a professional working in child care? Do you work in Sri Lanka and do you know everything about the culture? Would you like to work with Dutch child psychologists?

We are deeply interested in learning from each other and in meeting people who can guide us through the Sri Lankan field of mental health care and child psychology, sharing knowledge and learning with and from each other!

Are you just as excited as we are and would you like to contribute? Then please consider making a donation.
To donate

Contact details:
Lizette Scheer,

BLH heeft een droom en zet zich wereldwijd in

Op een dag bedachten we: wat we klein in de praktijk doen willen we groots in de maatschappij voortzetten waarbij het beste uit twee culturen samengebracht worden. Na reizen door Azië, de impact van toerisme daar -wat plotsklaps kan wegvallen- en de groeiende interesse voor oosterse en westerse cultuur was het begin van een grootse droom gelegd. Hoe kunnen wij als praktijk bijdragen aan ontwikkeling, educatie en advies in Azië?

Want die oosterse en westerse culturen, om ze maar even breed over één kam te scheren, zijn heel verschillend. Wij geloven erin dat kinderen, ouders en leraren levend in de ene cultuur kunnen bloeien en leren van gewoontes en elementen uit de andere cultuur. Een beetje zoals ‘samen sta je sterk’ en ‘delen is vermenigvuldigen’, maar dan anders, dan tussen twee culturen.

Een gehaaste westerling is op zoek naar ontspanning. Naar de basis, rust, kalmte in en met jezelf. Dat vind je in het oosten in de vorm van yoga en mindfulness, die niet zoals bij ons enkel te halen zijn tijdens het wekelijkse yogalesje of wanneer je jezelf dwingt nu toch echt je hoofd leeg te maken. Integendeel, het is er compleet geïntegreerd in het dagelijks leven en de cultuur. Ook kunnen westerlingen zich verwonderen over die immer steunende gemeenschap in oosterse landen. Daarentegen: hoe worden leer- en ontwikkelingsproblemen aangepakt in een oosterse cultuur? Kunnen wij daar iets aan bijdragen? Juist met onze gigantisch bak aan kennis, onze waardes en overtuigingen in het onderwijs, Engelse taalvaardigheden en aandacht voor het individu. Wij geloven dat het allemaal begint bij kinderen.

Ter ere van ons 15-jarig jubileum doneren we onze kennis en kunde aan kinderen in Azië. Door online of fysieke programma’s op te zetten om begeleidingen aan kinderen of adviezen aan ouders en scholen te geven. Hierbij de oproep om mee te helpen, te denken en te brainstormen. Om zelf het startschot te geven door een oosters element te gebruiken; ideeën vragen uit de samenleving. We need a village to raise a child.